Sunday 7 March 2004

Hey Guys!

Thank you for joining the Save our Earth Program: Aeon Lighting Edition. 

Right now we're working to directly transition the world into an LED lighting future. 

Why LED? Why not fluorescent? Why not stay with the good ol' yellow light bulb that we're used to? Numerous reasons:
  • LED's do not contain mercury, which fluorescents do.
  • LED's use 1/9th the energy of the standard lightbulb!
  • LED's last for 50,000 hours, whereas fluorescent last 6000, and incandescents a measly 700 hours. (in the future, nobody will even understand why there was a "how many [subjects] does it take to change a lightbulb" joke.)

What's the catch to such a wonderful product? 
The cost, as LED's are a relatively new technology, one standard bulb is around 40 dollars. Outrageous for just a light bulb? Perhaps, but with daily usage, most people earn that money back in a few years. Plus, you get to help the environment AND you get a kickass bulb!

How can you help?
  • Tell people about the benefits of LED's over the other light bulbs! Spread the word!
  • Join our events in the future, where we will be hosting tea conferences, promotions, etc.
  • Get more people to join our group!

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